As a dedicated clinical psychologist with a strong passion for children’s mental health, I have spent the last nine years specializing in addressing the intricate challenges of trauma and learning disabilities among children and teens in India. With a profound belief in every child’s potential, I am committed to fostering their growth both personally and academically.

In Canada, I work as a registered clinical counselor and my focus extends to providing support for children ,teenagers and their families grappling with ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and mood dysregulation. This work is particularly meaningful to me as I witness the daily struggles these children endure.

In my practice, I offer tailored psychotherapy to children facing these specific challenges, equipping them with the necessary tools and support to navigate their difficulties. I understand the profound impact of these issues on their overall well-being and future prospects, and I am deeply committed to their success and flourishing.

I employ a sensitive and empathetic approach to connect with and support each child’s individual needs. My aim is to create a nurturing environment for both children and their families, facilitating their journey towards overcoming challenges and thriving in all aspects of life.

My approach transcends symptom management; it delves into understanding and addressing underlying issues impacting a child’s life. If you’re uncertain about your child and teen’s mental health or cognitive abilities, I am here with specialized skills to assist. My mission is to guide children and teens towards personal and academic success, empowering them to unlock their full potential for a brighter, more fulfilling future.

As a dedicated clinical psychologist with a strong passion for children’s mental health, I have s... Read More

As a registered clinical counsellor with a master’s degree in counselling psychology, my journey is driven by my passion for helping others foster meaningful connections, empowering them to discover and achieve their fullest potential, and guiding them toward lives of balance and satisfaction. I find profound purpose in assisting individuals on their path to emotional well-being and fulfillment, navigating through their challenges to uncover strengths and foster growth.

To me, the counselling field is the most rewarding and humbling profession. The opportunity to connect deeply with my clients and assist them in reaching their fullest potential is a profound privilege. Listening to their stories, understanding their unique experiences, and fostering an environment of trust and acceptance are central to my approach. This trust forms the foundation of our work together.

Specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and tailored therapeutic approaches, I am dedicated to providing effective, personalized support. Beyond treatment, I am committed to empowering clients with the knowledge and tools to enhance their mental health and achieve their personal goals.

“I believe the fuller our emotional bucket is with positive experiences, the better we can navigate life’s challenges.”

As your counsellor, my greatest joy is supporting your growth and resilience as you embrace a life filled with positivity and fulfillment.

As a registered clinical counsellor with a master’s degree in counselling psychology, my journey ... Read More

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, my journey is driven by a deep commitment to supporting individuals as they navigate the complexities of life with resilience and hope. I believe that everyone has the potential to grow and thrive, and my role is to support them in unlocking that potential in a way that feels authentic and empowering.

In my practice, I have extensive experience working with clients of all ages, addressing a wide range of challenges including anxiety, depression, trauma, and addiction. I am particularly passionate about child and adolescent psychotherapy, helping individuals through life transitions and other difficulties, as well as providing support for all those dealing with OCD, PTSD, and self-esteem issues.

I am also well-equipped with comprehensive evaluation skills for cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of individuals. My approach is rooted in creating a safe and nurturing environment where clients of all ages can explore their emotions, build resilience, and achieve their goals. Drawing from evidence-based approaches such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based techniques, and play therapy, I tailor each session to meet the specific needs of my clients. My focus is not just on managing symptoms but on helping clients understand the underlying issues, foster self-awareness, and take meaningful steps toward a fulfilling life.

“Your journey to self-discovery and growth starts here, and I’m committed to walking this path with you.”

I look forward to being a part of your journey, helping you or your loved ones build a brighter, more resilient future.

As a Registered Clinical Counsellor, my journey is driven by a deep commitment to supporting indi... Read More

I work as an integrative therapist by utilizing several counselling theories and practices to work uniquely with each individual to best support their needs. I am additionally inspired by a holistic, attachment-based and trauma-informed perspective.

I believe that helping others by fostering their empowerment brings about the best outcome. My work is guided by commitment and consistency in working collaboratively with clients to help them understand the issues they face, explore what they can do to resolve them and move forward with long-lasting changes in their lives.

Along with many years of experience facilitating positive outcomes for adult individuals and couples, I also had the privilege to be part of an organization pioneering early intervention in improving children’s mental health. The Duchess of Cambridge’s patronage, Place2Be, enables schools in the U.K. to understand and identify mental health problems for primary-aged children, empowering them to focus on learning and equipping them with tools to cope with life’s challenges. I have additionally enjoyed maintaining supportive programming and access to community services for both individuals and families through various not-for-profit agencies to promote continuing education, health, parenting skills, career planning, relationships, child development, housing and risk management through individual and group support.

I also provide supervision for other therapists, elevating the quality of their practice by providing a supportive yet challenging environment for growth and skill refinement. Additionally, I am currently completing the final stages of a trauma based research project for my doctorate in psychology.

Recognizing the importance of diversity and equality in the social context, I aim to provide inclusive and culturally sensitive therapeutic spaces.

In all aspects, I remain dedicated to promoting healing, resilience, and overall well-being.

I work as an integrative therapist by utilizing several counselling theories and practices to wor... Read More


My practice as a Counsellor started in Mexico, where I became passionate about supporting people with their mental health and life challenges. For the past 8 years, I have dedicated my career to working with families, couples, and individuals from different countries and cultures, believing they can grow and achieve a fulfilling life.

My work as a Registered Clinical Counsellor is holistic, using different evidence-based counselling theories and techniques that help clients meet their needs and goals. Some of the issues I focus on are masculinity, anxiety, trauma, depression, self-esteem, OCD, PTSD, addictions, sex issues, life transitions, parenting skills, stress, and couples and family conflicts.

Also, as a fierce advocate for men’s mental health, I am currently researching men impacted by loneliness, isolation, porn consumption, and the increased use of A.I.

Sometimes, our problems are not new; they may represent an old issue we faced, but now they appear in a different context of our lives. Some of these negative experiences are what triggers us to seek help because we think we are unable to cope with them. This overwhelming sensation prevents us from moving forward to address the situation appropriately.

I understand that change can be difficult and threatening and can generate fear. But what if I told you that change is one of the constants of life? It forces us to confront many things about our identity and patterns. It also forces us to leave our comfort zone and enter the unknown, the uncharted territory. The first step is always the most difficult, but I am willing to walk this journey with you at your own pace and time.

In my practice, first and foremost, I intend to build trust with you, as I believe it is paramount for any relationship to succeed. Working collaboratively is another vital detail in therapy. As a team, we can work together to find your way to heal, improve and achieve the changes you desire in your life. I offer a tailored approach to your specific needs to navigate your difficulties.

As a professional, I am committed to continuously educating myself and learning from past and present experiences to ensure I provide the services you need. My goal is to provide you with a space to explore, generate insight and ultimately create the desired change that promotes physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual well-being.


Mi práctica como consejero comenzó en México, donde me apasioné por apoyar a las personas con sus desafíos de salud mental y de vida. Durante los últimos 8 años, he dedicado mi carrera a trabajar con familias, parejas e individuos de diferentes países y culturas, creyendo que pueden crecer y lograr una vida plena.

Mi trabajo como Consejero Clínico Registrado es holístico, utilizando diferentes teorías y técnicas de consejería basadas en evidencia que ayudan a los clientes a satisfacer sus necesidades y metas. Algunos de los problemas en los que me enfoco son la masculinidad, la ansiedad, el trauma, la depresión, la autoestima, el TOC, el TEPT, las adicciones, los problemas sexuales, las transiciones de vida, las habilidades de crianza, el estrés y los conflictos de parejas y familiares.

También, como defensor de la salud mental masculina, actualmente estoy investigando sobre hombres afectados por la soledad, el aislamiento, el consumo de pornografía y el aumento del uso de la inteligencia artificial.

A veces, nuestros problemas no son nuevos; pueden representar un problema antiguo que enfrentamos, pero ahora aparecen en un contexto diferente de nuestras vidas. Algunas de estas experiencias negativas son las que nos llevan a buscar ayuda porque pensamos que no podemos enfrentarlas. Esta sensación abrumadora nos impide avanzar para abordar la situación adecuadamente.

Entiendo que el cambio puede ser difícil y amenazante, y puede generar miedo. Pero ¿qué pasaría si te dijera que el cambio es una de las constantes de la vida? Esto nos obliga a confrontar muchas cosas sobre nuestra identidad y patrones. También nos obliga a salir de nuestra zona de confort y entrar en lo desconocido, en el territorio inexplorado. El primer paso siempre es el más difícil, pero estoy dispuesto a recorrer este camino contigo a tu propio ritmo y tiempo.

En mi práctica, en primer lugar, mi intención es construir confianza contigo, ya que creo que es fundamental para que cualquier relación tenga éxito. Trabajar colaborativamente es otro detalle vital en la terapia. Como equipo, podemos trabajar juntos para encontrar tu camino para sanar, mejorar y lograr los cambios que deseas en tu vida. Ofrezco un enfoque personalizado para tus necesidades específicas para navegar por tus dificultades.

Como profesional, estoy comprometido a educarme continuamente y aprender de experiencias pasadas y presentes para asegurarme de brindar los servicios que necesitas. Mi objetivo es brindarte un espacio para explorar, generar perspicacia y, en última instancia, crear el cambio deseado que promueva el bienestar físico, emocional, cognitivo y espiritual.

ENGLISH My practice as a Counsellor started in Mexico, where I became passionate about supportin... Read More

With professional experience of over 28 years working as a Clinical Psychologist, I have assisted people challenged with mental health issues for over 28 years. I offer therapy to people suffering from Trauma, Depression, Anxiety, Substance Use, Adjustment and Personality (esp. Borderline) disorders along with Emotional and Life-style challenges. My connections with many community programs support my multidisciplinary treatment model approach and benefits the client holistically. I address the unique needs of my clients by integrating my training in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Behavior Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive Processing Therapy. My therapeutic approach is based on the values of respect, dignity and empathy. Philosophically, I follow a humanistic and existential approach to support my clients. With a multilingual capacity for English, Urdu, Hindi and Punjabi and my own diversity, I provide therapy to people with different cultural backgrounds from different parts of the world effectively.

With professional experience of over 28 years working as a Clinical Psychologist, I have assisted... Read More

As a young adult counselor, I bring a unique perspective that closely empathizes with the challenges faced by adolescents and emerging adults. My journey to becoming a counselor was driven by my passion for advocating for those who feel voiceless in their mental health struggles, whether due to cultural stigmas, societal expectations, or simply feeling invisible. I have dedicated my career to helping young clients, especially adolescent boys and minority youths, recognize that their challenges matter and embrace the power of vulnerability. My work as a counselor is warm, authentic, and person-centered. I believe in the human capacity for growth and achieving the best version of oneself with the necessary support. My goal with every client is to establish and foster the nurturing conditions that suit their needs. I strive to create collaborative and authentic relationships with my clients, providing a therapeutic space that makes them feel confident and ready to embark on self-discovery. Given my diverse background as a first-generation immigrant and an international student who has studied in China, Canada, and the United States, I understand the intricacies of how culture, family, and various identities can impact a client’s path toward treatment. Taking the first step to seek therapy is monumental, and I am incredibly proud of you for doing so. I hope to continue instilling hope and optimism in you, helping you voice your story. Every client is unique in their experiences, and I will tailor my services to understand “you” and help you achieve the best version of yourself.

As a young adult counselor, I bring a unique perspective that closely empathizes with the challen... Read More

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